Cultural project
- to assist institutional decision-makers in defining public and cultural policies regarding basque culture;
- to save, transmit and enhance basque cultural heritage;
- to support cultural actors in the areas of creation, training and diffusion;
- to share through modern communication networks all the information concerning basque culture.
The BCI has become a central institution that structures a sustainable development of basque culture, within the scope of a mission entrusted by the State, the New Aquitaine Region, the Department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques and the grouping of municipalities of the North Basque Country.
Based since its creation in the city of Ustaritz, the BCI works for the conservation, the transmission and diffusion of basque culture, while encouraging creativity. With its experienced, multidisciplinary and involved professional team, the BCI is now a recognized resource centre and a privileged partner when it comes to basque culture.
The cultural project of the BCI is structured around 7 strategic orientations:
- To support the integration and development of basque culture in cultural policies
- To inform and raise awareness amongst the general public
- To support the structuration and the development of sectoral fields
- To enrich research and knowledge on intangible cultural heritage
- To strengthen the cross-border cultural cooperation and to promote basque culture
- To develop a digital strategy
- To support the associative cultural sector