Search guide

The Euskal Argentina Association provides some advice before using the Apheça search engines.

Please remember the following before undertaking family searches in the archives of the emigration agent Apheça:

  • Guillaume Apheça was often spelt in the most unusual ways. Both surnames and first names were transcribed as they appeared in the registers: all the different ways of spelling names should therefore be tried, eg. Oyhénart, Oihénart, Oyénart, etc; Harçuby, Arçuby, Harçouby, etc. This is also the case for the names of ships.

  • You should not restrict searches to the town or village where the person you are looking for was born. It is often the name of the town or village where the person worked at the time of departure which is given. The names of towns and villages have been corrected according to current writing standards.

  • If the person you are looking for is in these lists, he or she is not necessarily an emigrant. He or she may be a simple passenger (for business, etc.).

It is preferable where possible to confirm information (acts of civil status, military registers, deeds, etc.) to be certain that the person in the Apheça registers is the person you are looking for.

For further details or help please contact the Euskal Argentina Association.