The registers of Guillaume Apheça, emigration agent

Information about 15 000 emigrants in the registers of the Basque emigration agent Guillaume Apheça (1828-1919) are available for consultation in a simplified version.


Urtea Izena Adina Sexua Herria
1873 SARRY ? Pierre M Luzaide
1873 GORTARY Fernando M Luzaide
1873 GORTARY 3 Luzaide
1873 UHALDE Cloda épouse GORTARY F Luzaide
1873 GORTARI Fernando M Luzaide
1873 AUSQUI Juana F Luzaide
1873 MANDAGARAN Bernardo M Luzaide
1873 BARCELONA Juana F Luzaide
1873 IROZ Juana F Luzaide
1873 ETCHEPARE Simon M Luzaide
1873 ROBIDART Do.go M Luzaide
1873 INCHAUSPE Marie épouse ROBIDART F Luzaide
1873 ROBIDART Pierre M Luzaide
1873 ROBIDART Jean M Luzaide
1873 ROBIDART Marie F Luzaide
1873 ETCHEPARE Marie F Luzaide
1873 CASTECHE Gracieuse F Luzaide
1873 ROBIDART D.que Luzaide
1874 ETCHEVERRY Miguel M Luzaide
1874 ZOCOBEHERE Jean M Luzaide
1874 ZOCOBEHERE Martin M Luzaide
1874 ETCHEVERRIA Miguel M Luzaide
1875 ÇALDAIN Jean M Luzaide
1875 SOCOBEHERE Jean M Luzaide
1876 URITZAGA Pierre M Luzaide
1876 NARBAITS Martin M Luzaide
1877 AGUERRE Léon M Luzaide
1879 UHALDE Juan M Luzaide
1879 SILVETTE Angel M Luzaide
1879 DORAY J B.te M Luzaide
1879 UHALDE F Luzaide
1880 URISAGA Pierre M Luzaide
1880 EYHERACART Jean M Luzaide
1881 RETA Martin M Luzaide
1882 UHALDE Jean M Luzaide
1882 ETCHEPARE Marie F Luzaide
1883 IRIBARNE Luzaide
1883 INDA Gracieuse F Luzaide
1883 PUTIN Gratien M Luzaide
1884 LADOCH Gracieuse F Luzaide
1884 ETCHEPARE Berthan M Luzaide
1885 LADUCHE Gracieuse F Luzaide
1885 INCHOUSPE Jeanne F Luzaide
1885 POUTOUN Gracien? M Luzaide
1885 UHALDE Jean M Luzaide
1885 POUTOUN Marie F Luzaide
1885 POUTOUN Jean M Luzaide
1885 POUTOUN Pierre M Luzaide
1885 IPHARAGUERRE Gme M Luzaide
1885 LADUZ Gracieuse F Luzaide
1885 LADUZ Michel M Luzaide
1886 UHALDE Jean M Luzaide
1886 DORAY Marguerite F Luzaide
1886 DORAY Marg.te F Luzaide
1886 POUTUN Gratien M Luzaide
1887 ETCHEPARE Berthan M Luzaide
1887 LANDA Jeanne F Luzaide
1887 SOCOBEHERE Marie F Luzaide
1887 PUTUN Gratien M Luzaide
1888 LARUMBE Josefa F Luzaide
1888 URRUTZAGA Pierre M Luzaide
1888 ETCHEPARE Bertrand M Luzaide
1888 JAUREGUY Pierre M Luzaide
1888 PUTUN Gracieuse F Luzaide
1889 IRIBARNE Martin M Luzaide
1889 PERTOLA Do.go 26 M Luzaide
1889 POUTUN Gracien M Luzaide
1890 MOUNHO Baptiste 18 M Luzaide
1890 NARBAITS Marten M Luzaide
1891 ETCHEPARE Bertrand M Luzaide
1891 ETCHEPARE Bertrand M Luzaide
1892 INDA Gracieuse F Luzaide
1892 JAUREGUY Marianne F Luzaide
1892 LADOS Gracieuse F Luzaide
1893 LADOS Gracieuse F Luzaide
1893 ERRECART Jean M Luzaide
1893 ERRO Fermin 20 M Luzaide
1893 URIZAGA F Luzaide
1894 LADOS Pierre M Luzaide
1894 LADOS Gracieuse F Luzaide
1894 ERRAMUSPE Juana F Luzaide
1895 NARBAITS Matin M Luzaide
1897 ERRECART Jean M Luzaide
1897 NARBAITZ Martin M Luzaide
1897 BARCELONA Pedro 22 M Luzaide
1897 BISCARRART Juan M Luzaide
1898 ETCHEMINDI Ferrando 23 M Luzaide
1898 BARÇALONA frères M Luzaide
1898 BARÇALONA M Luzaide
1899 NARBAITS Germein M Luzaide
1899 BISCARRET Juan M Luzaide