Witnesses to the Basque culture  

The aim of this section is to bring together accounts by Basque artists and cultural players in the form of written interviews.

Ekhiñe Egiguren

Ekhiñe Egiguren

''Whatever support you use to create, your perspective is very important''

Peio Labeyrie

Peio Labeyrie

''We want to build the future of Basque danse together''

Mizel Theret

Mizel Theret

''Dancing enabled me to create an identity for myself''

Pier Paul Berzaitz

Pier Paul Berzaitz

''Locking up a language or a song in a trunk with a double key turn is the last solution''

Jean-Christian Irigoyen Galtxetaburu

Jean-Christian Irigoyen Galtxetaburu

''Music is a particular vibration not unlike witchcraft''

Daniel Landart

Daniel Landart

''Writing has been a good remedy forme''

Nicole Lougarot

Nicole Lougarot

''Mascarades were originally Bohemian celebrations''

Fernando Morillo

Fernando Morillo

''As a dreamer I feel close to Antoine dAbbadie''

Eneko Bidegain

Eneko Bidegain

''We need to give youngsters an appetite for reading''