Pierre Lafitte, Hannah Frances Welhane, Garazi Lopez de Armentia, David Alcorta

Pierre Lafitte, Hannah Frances Welhane, Garazi Lopez de Armentia, David Alcorta

"Mixing artistic genres enables you to keep intensity"

  • EKE - Xan Aire
  • 2013-10-18
  • Language Euskara

Meeting with the winners of the first two calls for "Hogei'ta" projects initiated by the Basque Cultural Institute: Pierre Lafitte presents "Lloba" by the Moï Moï group which will be performed on 22 November. Hannah Frances Whelan, Garazi Lopez de Armentia and David Alcorta, from the Parasite group, interpret "Hautsa", which will be inaugurated on 5 November at the Scène Nationale de Bayonne.

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