Johnny Kurutxet, Martin Goikoetxea, Frantxua Bidaurreta

Johnny Kurutxet, Martin Goikoetxea, Frantxua Bidaurreta

"We envisaged there the way we experience Basque culture here"

  • Xan Aire - EKE
  • 2015-10-13
  • Language Euskara

Johnny Kurutxet (1946 - San Francisco, USA), Martin Goikoetxea (1948 - Gorriti, Navarre) and Frantxua Bidaurreta (1942 - Les Aldudes, Lower Navarre) are all well-known figures from the Basque diaspora: invited by the BCI from 12 to 17 October 2015, the two bertsularis (improvisers) and the former chairman of San Francisco’s Basque association travelled through their native land, discovering different aspects of modern improvisation.

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