Northern Basque Country or Iparralde
The Northern Basque Country ("Iparraldea") is made up of three historic provinces: Labourd, Lower Navarre and Soule, in the Atlantic Pyrenees Department.
Some numbers
- 309.673 inhabitants (INSEE, 2019). In 2009, they were 286.850.
- Surface area : 3000 m²
- Second agglomeration of New Aquitaine
- The coastal conurbation that extends from Boucau to Hendaye gather 174 825 inhabitants, which represent 58 per cent of the population of the Agglomeration community of the Basque Country.
158 municipalities, 10 territories
Basque culture in the Agglomeration community of the Basque Country
The Northern Basque Country’s Basque cultural directory: artists, cultural venues, festivals and events, organisers, and resource people in the fields of heritage and language...
Data Pass: observation transfrontalière
Territoires et démographie - AUDAP, 2019
Observatoire économique du Pays Basque 2018
AUDAP, CCI Bayonne-Pays Basque, 2019
Basque(s) au début du XXIème siècle
Société des amis du Musée Basque. Cairn, 2019