
11 zubi

Bridges link a fragmented Euskal Herria, because Euskal Herria does not only comprise two, four or six parts, but much more than that. There are so many different Euskal Herrias, like the bridges that join them…
11 zubi

Ours is a special way of being in the world, our small size makes us big. We build bridges that link us to the world, bridges where the comings and goings are constant. Nowadays, Euskal Herria is ready to face the future both in cultural and economic spheres, as in any other sphere of human activity. We gaze at the world through our identity. Our language is an ancient one, the most ancient in Europe – Euskara. And it is still alive. We also speak French and Spanish, and have knowledge of others, because we live in a plural world. Yet the Basque character gives us personality and links us to our land. Understanding universality makes us feel proud of what we are, because that is the best way to be in the world: our Basque character and way of being constitute the foundations of the bridge we have built to reach out to other peoples.