Basque culture
The Basques have built around their language an original and creative culture, marked by many different influences.
Experiencing Basque culture on a daily basis
By appropriating the contributions of surrounding cultures, the Basques have built their own cultural universe around their language, euskara. This was the case in the past and today it is even more so with the development of intercultural "connections" driven by urbanisation (see rurbanisation), the globalisation of exchanges ...
Cultural activities are far from being confined to folkloric demonstrations.
Basque culture: a living memory
These daily practices shape a cultural expression open to outside contributions. Basque music and song are perhaps the best illustration of this inclusion of contributions by globalisation to local heritage: today Basque improvised poetry is sung in the traditional a capella style to old tunes and creations inspired by Latin, rock, funk and jazz, etc. are also performed in Basque too.
It is also worth highlighting the fact that beyond its popular dimension Basque culture is also a culture of professionals, artists who live from their art, dedicating all their energy to contemporary creation.
Further details is a website to discover Basque culture, arts and language (Euskara), and serves as a nexus between the major stakeholders in the sector. It is funded and managed by the Etxepare Basque Institute, a public entity of the Basque Government. The Etxepare Basque Institute was created to raise the international profile of Basque culture, art and language and to build lasting relationships with other countries and cultures.