Young people's identity

A survey carried out in 2006 by the Basque Country Council of Development ("Youth Project" - Basque Country 2020) shows that in a context of major social and cultural change, young people in the Northern Basque Country express a specific attachment to their territory and culture.

Although the Basque language is still very much a minority language in terms of use for the 16-29 age group (only 18% understand or speak Euskara), most young people have a positive image of Basque culture and the Basque region.
Through song, dance, music and concerts, young people develop their knowledge and practice of Basque culture in which they find both a strong marker of identity and a source of fulfilment.
Nevertheless, the younger generation's cultural identity is highly eclectic and takes its inspiration from many different sources in a globalised culture. Hip Hop, Reggae, world music, surf and cinema cross traditional songs, Basque dancing and Basque literature.
These crossed influences give rise to new cultural aspirations and an original reappropriation of traditional markers.